Let the sweetest of teens seduce you in the most captivating
lesbian lovemaking you will ever see



There are 1055 models on the site. All models are over 18. Right now, the members area contains 186,710 PHOTOS of high quality lesbian photography.
126,811 are EXCLUSIVE to this site!


The pictures in the members area are in thumbnail galleries along with zip files so you can download entire series at a time.
Updated 7 times per week


There are 381 Hours of Downloadable Lesbian Videos and more than 370 HOURS ARE EXCLUSIVE!


The movies are typically 15-30 minutes long. We have been shooting in HD for a long time, and there are 703 videos in 1280x720 (720P) resolution here now.


Most of the other videos are 640x480, but 33 of the 1038 videos here are smaller than 640x480. The available formats are high bit rate downloadable MPEG-4 AVC, WMV9, mpeg-1, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android and PSP, and also Flash streaming in three sizes.

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